Dear friends and colleagues,
I’m reaching out to announce the move of APLA’s 2021 conference, Cross Pollinate. Cultivate. Change/ Brasser des idées. S’épanouir. Changer., to an online event. Due to the unpredictable circumstances for the upcoming year, the APLA Executive and the APLA Conference Committee decided it was safest for our members and our communities to hold the conference virtually.
Those confirmed for presentations during the in-person conference have been contacted about presenting virtually, and the Programming Committee will be sending out another call for proposals on October 19th.
I’ll be communicating details of the conference as we move forward with our planning. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or another member of the Conference Committee.
I want to extend my sincerest thanks to the APLA 2021 Conference Committee for enthusiastically and boldly embracing this change. Their collaborative spirit, creativity, and adaptability truly reflect our conference theme, which seems particularly relevant during this tumultuous and unprecedented time.
We’re working hard to deliver an engaging and unique online conference with the same Annapolis Valley charm and hospitality. We hope you’ll join us!
Maggie Neilson, Chair, APLA 2021 Conference Committee
Vincent Grovestine, Chair, Technology & Ancillary Services
Carol Hadjisterkoti, Secretary
Jason Levy, Chair, Registration Sub-Committee
Erin Patterson, Co-Chair, Local Arrangements & Entertainment Sub-Committee
Angela Reynolds, Co-Chair, Programming Sub-Committee
Jennifer Richard, Co-Chair, Local Arrangements & Entertainment Sub-Committee
Bill Slauenwhite, Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors Sub-Committee, and Treasurer
Ann Smith, Co-Chair, Programming Sub-Committee
Suzanne van den Hoogen, Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors Sub-Committee
Britanie Wentzell, Chair, Promotions Sub-Committee