APLA 2021 Conference Registration is NOW OPEN! June 8th to June 11th, 2021

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is with great pleasure the APLA 2021 Conference Committee announces that registration is now open! Although we will miss seeing you all in beautiful Wolfville this year, our theme Cross-pollinate. Cultivate. Change. / Brasser des idées. S’épanouir. Changer. seeks to reach beyond a physical space and encourage collaboration and adaptation during these precarious times. The Conference Committee is dedicated to bringing our attendees an authentic Annapolis Valley experience while we celebrate the work of our colleagues. Even if you can’t smell the breeze from the Bay or taste the local wine, we’ll do our very best to capture the spirit of our home to share with you all. Please join us – a vibrant programme and unique virtual experience awaits!

To our generous sponsors and vendors, please stay tuned for communications and updates from our Exhibits & Sponsorships Co-Chairs, Suzanne van den Hoogen and Bill Slauenwhite.

Register for APLA 2021 here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/atlanticprovinceslibraryassociation/310132# 

Questions about registration can be directed to Jason Levy (jason.levy@acadiau.ca), our Registration Chair.

Please stand by for future updates on the programme!

With warm wishes,
The APLA 2021 Conference Committee
Vincent Grovestine (Chair, Technology & Ancillary Services)
Carol Hadjisterkoti (Secretary)
Suzanne van den Hoogen (Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors)
Jason Levy (Chair, Registration)
Maggie Neilson (Chair, Conference Committee)
Erin Patterson (Co-Chair, Events & Local Arrangements)
Angela Reynolds (Co-Chair, Programming)
Jennifer Richard (Co-Chair, Events & Local Arrangements)
Bill Slauenwhite (Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors, and Treasurer)
Ann Smith (Co-Chair, Programming)
Britanie Wentzell (Chair, Outreach & Promotions)