Grow a Library Silent Auction

Drop on by, and visit us online as we fundraise for 3 great charitable literacy organizations this year!

New this year, the APLA Grow-a-Library Committee is offering an online Silent Auction. Bid often, and bid high!

  • 100% of the funds received will go towards the charitable literacy organizations!
  • The winning bidder, will choose which of the 3 selected charitable literacy organizations they wish to support – and will make their bid donation (payment) directly to the organization online… and added bonus, receive a personal Charitable Donation Income Tax receipt from the literacy organization!

As always, you can choose to make a personal donation direct (online) to any or all of the selected charitable organizations – and receive a personal charitable Income Tax receipt upon request too! (If you do, please mention APLA! It will help us keep track of the amounts of donations received. Thank you!)

The Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute (DBDLI) is an Africentric institute that creates education change for learners of African ancestry to empower them to reach their full potential.

The DBDLI is committed to improving educational experiences, opportunities and outcomes for Nova Scotian learners of African ancestry.

The Newfoundland & Labrador Laubach Literacy Council (NLLLC) is a non-profit, charitable volunteer organization serving the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Since 1987 they have been committed to providing free quality literacy programs and services aimed at helping improve lives by raising literacy levels.

Their programs include one-on-one free tutoring to adults, including speakers of other languages, essential and employment skills programs, and a summer youth tutoring program.

CODE envisions a world where every young person can pursue their education and realize their full potential as a literate, empowered, self-reliant citizen.

CODE’s mission is to enable student learning by increasing their access to qualified educators and locally- relevant, high quality learning materials.

Thank you all, for your participation and support!

And a HUGE thank you to all who provided donations of the thoughtful Silent Auction items.

—2021 APLA Grow-a-Library Committee

Free conference registration for Indigenous People, African Nova Scotians and Black/African-descendants

Dear friends and colleagues,

The keynote speaker, Camille Callison, member of the Tahltan Nation, has requested that in the spirit of reciprocity for her sharing knowledge with APLA, we extend free registration to Indigenous people working in libraries, archives or cultural memory institutions or in their own communities in culture heritage residing in or originating from Indigenous communities located within the Atlantic provinces. As well she requested that, in recognizing the unique history in the Atlantic provinces, APLA extended that same offer to African Nova Scotian and Black/African-descended community members in the region working on cultural heritage in their communities.

We apologize for the short notice, but encourage members of these communities to contact our Registration Chair, Jason Levy ( to register, or our Treasurer, Bill Slauenwhite ( for reimbursement.

The Conference Committee would like to thank Camille for the generous and thoughtful decision to share her honorarium with the broader community.  

Registration closes Friday, June 4th at 4pm.

Take care and be well,

Chair, APLA 2021 Conference Committee

Virtual Conference Swag Bags are available to order!

The APLA 2021 Virtual Conference Swag Bags are available to order on the conference website at .

*Swag bag orders will be mailed out to you.

The cost is 20$ and all proceeds go to Grow a Library!

Swag Bags include:

  • APLA face mask.
  • APLA notebook and pen.
  • APLA card wallet for the back of your cellphone.
  • beeswax food wrap.
  • an APLA chocolate bar to enjoy on a break.
  • A sticker.
  • a conference themed bookmark.
  • Tea.

We have a limited quantity available, so order as soon as you can!

APLA 2021 Conference Registration is NOW OPEN! June 8th to June 11th, 2021

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is with great pleasure the APLA 2021 Conference Committee announces that registration is now open! Although we will miss seeing you all in beautiful Wolfville this year, our theme Cross-pollinate. Cultivate. Change. / Brasser des idées. S’épanouir. Changer. seeks to reach beyond a physical space and encourage collaboration and adaptation during these precarious times. The Conference Committee is dedicated to bringing our attendees an authentic Annapolis Valley experience while we celebrate the work of our colleagues. Even if you can’t smell the breeze from the Bay or taste the local wine, we’ll do our very best to capture the spirit of our home to share with you all. Please join us – a vibrant programme and unique virtual experience awaits!

To our generous sponsors and vendors, please stay tuned for communications and updates from our Exhibits & Sponsorships Co-Chairs, Suzanne van den Hoogen and Bill Slauenwhite.

Register for APLA 2021 here: 

Questions about registration can be directed to Jason Levy (, our Registration Chair.

Please stand by for future updates on the programme!

With warm wishes,
The APLA 2021 Conference Committee
Vincent Grovestine (Chair, Technology & Ancillary Services)
Carol Hadjisterkoti (Secretary)
Suzanne van den Hoogen (Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors)
Jason Levy (Chair, Registration)
Maggie Neilson (Chair, Conference Committee)
Erin Patterson (Co-Chair, Events & Local Arrangements)
Angela Reynolds (Co-Chair, Programming)
Jennifer Richard (Co-Chair, Events & Local Arrangements)
Bill Slauenwhite (Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors, and Treasurer)
Ann Smith (Co-Chair, Programming)
Britanie Wentzell (Chair, Outreach & Promotions)

Call for proposals / Appel de propositions

Deadline: 31st December 2020

The APLA 2020 Programming Committee invites proposals to be considered for presentation at the 2021 virtual annual conference in Wolfville, Nova Scotia (June 8-11): Cross-pollinate. Cultivate. Change. / Brasser des idées. S’épanouir. Changer.

Libraries are always changing.  We are seeking proposals that exhibit change in regard to services, collections, spaces, or policies through the experience of working with others.  We are looking for proposals on the process, outcomes, or cultivation of relationships, collaborations, working groups, or partnerships on any topics relevant to library and information professionals. Special consideration will be given to proposals addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion.  Finally, we invite your own take on the conference themes.

We are seeking the following:

  • APLA Talks (18 mins with additional 10 mins for questions);
  • Oral presentations (45 mins with additional 10 mins for questions);
  • Interactive panel discussions (60 minutes);
  • Lightning talks (5-10 minutes);
  • Proposals that do not fit the above time and structure will be considered by the committee but are dependent on schedule, logistics and other proposals.

Please submit your proposals via email to by December 31st, 2020 at midnight.  Please include “APLA 2021” in the email subject, and please provide/specify the:

  • Title
  • Type: apla talk, presentation, panel, lightning presentation,
  • Name, title, institution of presenter(s)
  • Two-sentence bio of the presenter(s)
  • Abstract (250 words or less)
  • Language of presentation
  • Contact information including email, address, phone number.

Presenters will be notified by February 14, 2021. Presenters are responsible for their own registration.

We request that presenters make their presentation available on the conference website.

We would love to hear perspectives from public libraries, health libraries, special libraries, archives, academic libraries, and more!

APLA 2021 Program Committee:

Mike Beazley, Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University
Angela Reynolds, Annapolis Valley Regional Library
Ann Smith, Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University

Appel de propositions – Conférence de l’APLA 2021

Date limite: 31 décembre 2020

Le comité de programmation pour APLA 2021 vous lance un appel de propositions pour sa conférence annuelle virtuelle en 2021, du 8 au 11 juin à Wolfville, Nouvelle-Écosse, ayant pour thèmeCross-pollinate. Cultivate. Change. / Brasser des idées. S’épanouir. Changer.

Les bibliothèques changent constamment. Nous sommes à la recherche de propositions qui soulignent le changement dans les services, les collections, les espaces, ou encore, les politiques dans les variétés d’expériences de collaboration. Nous cherchons des propositions sur divers sujets, tels que:  les résultats, le développement des relations professionnelles, la collaboration, les groupes de travail, ou les partenariats sur des sujets pertinents aux professionnels de notre domaine. Une attention particulière sera portée aux propositions qui abordent l’équité, la diversité, et l’inclusion. Finalement, nous encourageons vos propres interprétations sur les thèmes de la conférence.

Thèmes recherchés:

  • Causeries APLA (18 minutes avec 10 minutes additionnelles pour des questions);
  • Présentations orales (45 minutes et 10 minutes additionnelles pour des questions);
  • Tables rondes interactives (60 minutes);
  • Présentations éclairs (5-10 minutes);
  • Les propositions qui ne respectent pas les critères du temps et de la structure ci-dessus seront quand même considérées par le comité. Cependant, elles dépendront des plages horaires disponibles, la logistique, et des autres propositions reçues.

Veuillez soumettre vos propositions par courriel à pour le 31 décembre 2020 à minuit. SVP inclure « APLA 2021 » dans le sujet du courriel, et veuillez fournir/spécifiez le:

  • Titre
  • Type: Causerie APLA, présentation, table ronde, présentation éclair,
  • Nom, titre, institution du présentateur/présentatrice(s)
  • Une courte biographie de deux phrases du présentateur/présentatrice(s)
  • Résumé (250 mots ou moins)
  • Langue de la présentation
  • Coordonnées, y compris: courriel, adresse, numéro de téléphone.

Les présentateurs et présentatrices seront avisé(e)s par le 14 février 2021. Les présentateurs et présentatrices seront responsables pour leur propre inscription.

Nous demandons à ceux et celles qui présentent de rendre disponibles leurs présentations sur le site web de la conférence.

Nous désirons grandement apprendre de vos points de vue, que ça soit des bibliothèques publiques, des bibliothèques des sciences de la santé, des bibliothèques spécialisées, des archives, des bibliothèques académiques, et autres!

Comité de programmation APLA 2021:

Mike Beazley, Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University
Angela Reynolds, Annapolis Valley Regional Library
Ann Smith, Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University

APLA 2021 is going online!

Dear friends and colleagues,  

I’m reaching out to announce the move of APLA’s 2021 conference, Cross Pollinate. Cultivate. Change/ Brasser des idées. S’épanouir. Changer., to an online event. Due to the unpredictable circumstances for the upcoming year, the APLA Executive and the APLA Conference Committee decided it was safest for our members and our communities to hold the conference virtually.  

Those confirmed for presentations during the in-person conference have been contacted about presenting virtually, and the Programming Committee will be sending out another call for proposals on October 19th.  

I’ll be communicating details of the conference as we move forward with our planning. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or another member of the Conference Committee.  

I want to extend my sincerest thanks to the APLA 2021 Conference Committee for enthusiastically and boldly embracing this change. Their collaborative spirit, creativity, and adaptability truly reflect our conference theme, which seems particularly relevant during this tumultuous and unprecedented time.  

We’re working hard to deliver an engaging and unique online conference with the same Annapolis Valley charm and hospitality. We hope you’ll join us! 


Maggie Neilson, Chair, APLA 2021 Conference Committee 
Vincent Grovestine, Chair, Technology & Ancillary Services  
Carol Hadjisterkoti, Secretary 
Jason Levy, Chair, Registration Sub-Committee 
Erin Patterson, Co-Chair, Local Arrangements & Entertainment Sub-Committee 
Angela Reynolds, Co-Chair, Programming Sub-Committee 
Jennifer Richard, Co-Chair, Local Arrangements & Entertainment Sub-Committee 
Bill Slauenwhite, Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors Sub-Committee, and Treasurer 
Ann Smith, Co-Chair, Programming Sub-Committee 
Suzanne van den Hoogen, Co-Chair, Vendors & Exhibitors Sub-Committee 
Britanie Wentzell, Chair, Promotions Sub-Committee 

A message regarding the APLA 2020 Conference

Dear APLA members, invited 2020 conference guests, and library colleagues –

It is with deepest regret, and concerns for all involved during these uncertain times, that the Board of the Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) – upon advisement of the Public Health guidelines in effect due to the COVID 19 pandemic, and in conversation with the 2020 Conference Committee – has decided to cancel this year’s 2020 APLA Conference to be held in early June 2020 at Acadia University,  in Wolfville Nova Scotia.  The APLA conference is a cherished time for all our members to gather, socialize, touch base and be inspired.  It was not an easy decision, and the Board wishes to thank all the Conference Committee volunteers for their continued dedication, and inspiration – and also all our conference program participants and supporters, for volunteering to give presentations and workshops to our members and library colleagues.

The 2020 Conference will be postponed until spring 2021.  

·        The new dates for the 2021 Conference will be Tuesday June 8th to Friday June 11th, 2021.

·        The 2021 Conference location will be Acadia University,   in Wolfville NS.

·        Program: Everyone who has accepted the offer to present is automatically accepted for the program in 2021.  We will be in touch in July to confirm whether you are still able and willing to present in Wolfville. If you have any questions about the programme please get in touch with .

·        Refunds: For those who are already registered, please get in touch with  We are waiving the cancellation fee. 

We very much appreciate your patience while we work through the efforts of postponing the 2020 conference, and rescheduling the conference to spring of 2021.  If you have questions, please get in touch with us at . We will be posting information on our website shortly. 

And for APLA Members, the APLA Board will be in touch with details in late April 2020, with regards to the arrangements for the 2020 APLA OGM (Ordinary General Meeting).

Thank you,

With kind regards,

Trecia Schell,
APLA President, 2019-2020

Keynote Announcement!

We now have our two keynote speakers! Camille Callison, a Librarian, Archivist and Anthropologist from the University of Manitoba, will be our Opening Keynote. Gerold Gloade, a Program Development Officer with the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, will be our closing keynote!

APLA 2020: Cross Pollinate. Cultivate.

APLA 2020 logo

Please join us in the lush and beautiful Annapolis Valley for APLA 2020: Cross Pollinate. Cultivate. Change. From June 9th to June 12th, 2020! Although we’re still in the early stages of planning, we invite you to reflect on the ways in which you’ve collaborated (or cross-pollinated!) with others to nurture and grow exciting change in your library and beyond. We’re looking forward to hearing about the incredible partnerships you’ve made! In addition to learning about the fascinating work of your colleagues, you’ll be hosted in the stunning town of Wolfville, where our specialties are food, drink, and merrymaking! Walk the dykes, grab some fresh produce at the farmers’ markets, catch a glimpse of Cape Blomidon, or enjoy a drink at one of the many wineries in the area. Come and see what the buzz is all about at APLA 2020!